Now Available: Place-Based Workforce Development Strategy and Implementation Plan
As part of the Richmond Rising Initiative, the City of Richmond is developing a Place-Based Workforce Development Strategy and Implementation Plan. A place-based strategy is important to address the unique barriers and challenges that residents of a particular place face to having good jobs that pay well. Challenges can include transportation, language barriers, education and […]
Apply Now to be a Youth Fellow!
Apply now to be a Youth Fellow with Richmond Rising. Young leaders ages 16-24 who work, live, or study in the Iron Triangle, Santa Fe, or Coronado Neighborhoods can apply via the application form. The program offers a paid internship and work experience with training on climate equity, community engagement, and green jobs. Submit applications […]
Complete Streets Project Wins $9.5 Million in Grant Funding
As part of the Reconnecting Communities Pilot (RCP) Program from the US Department of Transportation, the City of Richmond was recently awarded over $9.5 million in order to support a complete streets project in the Iron Triangle, Santa Fe, and Coronado neighborhoods to meet community needs. The funds will be matched with California’s Transformative Climate […]
Celebrate Earth Day 2024 and Richmond Rising Kick-Off!
The City of Richmond and six local organizations (known as Richmond Rising) received $35 million to help prevent climate change and increase community resilience in the Iron Triangle, Santa Fe, and Coronado neighborhoods. Join us at Unity Park on Earth Day (April 20th) to learn more and sign up for programs, including: Free e-bike sharing. […]