Learn About the Projects
Projects associated with Richmond Rising range from constructing new bike lanes to installing residential solar power systems, and from planting trees to furthering workforce development and job training programs. Richmond Rising projects were developed in partnership with community during public meetings, at events and programs held by partners, and address needs and priorities expressed in City-adopted planning documents.
Explore the map below to learn more about the 10 projects and ways that you can be involved.
Project Map

What are the Projects?
Active Transportation
Create streets for everyone that enable safe access for all. Construct new bike lanes, pedestrian facilities, and traffic-calming measures. Improve street lighting and incorporate green infrastructure.
This project will…
- Expand access to transit, businesses, parks
- Decrease GHG emissions
- Create jobs
- Reduce flooding
You can participate by…
- Opportunities to engage are upcoming and will be announced via the Richmond Rising listserv when available.
- Sign-up for the Richmond Rising listserv here
- Additionally, feedback is encouraged during Collaborative Stakeholder Committee meetings – learn more about these meetings here
- Additional comments may be submitted via e-mail: tcc@ci.richmond.ca.us
Phase 2 of the Richmond Wellness Trail will create a continuous route from the BART/Amtrak station to the new Ferry terminal. The project will develop protected cycle tracks and shaded pedestrian routes.
This project will…
- Connect residents to work and school
- Enable safe biking and walking as transportation options
- Provide access to urban green space amenities
You can participate by…
- Attending the upcoming site walk on October 26th, 2024 – additional information coming soon!
The E-bike Lending Library will allow community members to check out bikes, take free classes, and receive support with any aspects of using e-bikes as a form of transportation. Completion of a Volunteer, Training, Maintenance road-to-ownership program will allow community members to receive their own bike.
This project will…
- Provide a healthy, accessible, low-cost, active transportation option
- Educate community members about e-biking
- Allow community members to access bike infrastructure improvements
- Decrease GHG emissions
You can participate by…
- Complete this survey to share your feedback and perspective
- The E-bike Lending Library is currently in the permitting process and is expected to complete construction in late 2025. Once constructed, we encourage you to get attend community classes, rides, or workshops, as well as participate in the Volunteer, Training, Maintenance road-to-ownership program, or use the long-term lending program.
This project will expand Richmond’s current bike share program and infrastructure, bringing five new bike share access points and 70 e-bikes to the project area. Free one-month memberships and a $100 ride credit will be given to 1,350 participants who live, work or go to school in the project area.
This project will…
- Provide a healthy, accessible, low-cost active transportation option
- Allow community members to access bike infrastructure improvements
- Decrease GHG emissions
You can participate by…
- Visiting Ride Today’s social media to learn more: Facebook ; Instagram
- Download the Ride Today app to begin riding! Android App Store ; Apple App Store
Resilient Homes and Landscapes
This project will install 875 kilowatts (KW) worth of solar panels on homes in the project area. Coordinated energy efficiency measures will create savings for residents.
This project will…
- Create cost savings for households
- Improve health outcomes and decrease air pollution inside homes
- Improve home quality, preventing displacement
- Decrease GHG emissions
You can participate by…
- Assessing your home’s eligibility (conducted by project partner)
- See if you qualify
- In partnership with MCE, Enso2 Building Solutions, and Franklin Energy
This project will offer greywater and laundry-to-landscape system installation. In addition, training programs will be offered to young people interested in green careers and subsequently employ them to conduct system installations.
This project will…
- Reduce urban water use, increase water conservation and reuse
- Create green job training and employment opportunities
You can participate by…
- Visit the Basins of Relations website to learn more, including how to access services
- Fill out the interest form to receive a free water conservation installation, installed at no cost to eligible homeowners
- Participating in the Training Program – the next cycle begins Fall 2025; applications for this cycle will open Summer 2025
- Reach out directly the Basins of Relations project team via e-mail: waterconservation@urbantilth.org
- Participate in an Urban Tilth volunteer event – additional information here
Health and Well-Being
This tree planting program will intensely reforest the Iron Triangle, Coronado, and Santa Fe. One thousand (1000) trees will be planted. Existing trees will be assessed and dead or dying trees will be removed.
This project will…
- Improve air quality and related health issues
- Provide shade, encouraging activation of green spaces
- Reduce GHG emissions
- Create urban forestry training opportunities, inspiring future stewards
You can participate by…
- Volunteering at the upcoming Arbor Day event: October 19th, 2024. Additional information here
- Complete our Adopt-a-Tree form to receive a free tree
The ADA Accessible Garden increases access for local seniors and those with mobility challenges to participate in gardening along the Richmond Greenway. The garden design will create new and enlarge existing pathways, provide seating with support rails, shade trees, an accessible water fountain, and signage.
This project will…
- Offer new space, programming dedicated to seniors and those with mobility challenges
- Provide free, fresh, healthy food
- Increase tree canopy and biodiversity
You can participate by…
- Stay updated with the ADA Garden team’s latest update here
- Subscribe to Urban Tilth’s newsletter for updates on ongoing programs and events here
- If you have any questions, want to get involved, or would like a tour of the stie before construction begins, please reach out via e-mail: greenway@urbantilth.org
Orchard for All will establish a fruit tree orchard throughout the project area and expand the annual Fruit Tree Giveaway to four hundred (400) trees per year. The Gleaners Program will provide training and employment to youth who will care for and harvest the trees and distribute the fruit through free farm stands and CSA programs.
This project will…
- Create green job training and opportunities
- Provide tree care
- Utilize existing space
- Reduce food waste
- Provide free, fresh access to healthy food
You can participate by…
- Visit the Orchard for All website here
- Request gleaning services here
- Next fruit tree giveaway scheduled for February 2025
- Read our Fruit Tree Lovers Newsletters: Newsletter 3, Newsletter 2, Newsletter 1
This project will increase enrollment in the existing Veggie RX pilot program, which prescribes fresh produce as preventative and restorative medicine. A training program, workshops, and other events will be offered throughout the project area – addressing topics such as non-inflammatory and climate-friendly diets.
This project will…
- Distribute thousands of pounds of fresh produce
- Support local BIPOC farmers using regenerative agricultural techniques
- Create local jobs
- Build partnership with local health professionals
You can participate by…
- Visit the Veggie Rx project website here

Transformative Plans
These five transformative plans support the implementation of the Richmond Rising projects:
Community Engagement Plan
A 15-person Youth Fellows Program will help facilitate resident participation. A Collaborative Stakeholder Committee (CSC) will meet monthly.
You can participate by…
• Visiting the Richmond Rising website• Joining or sharing information about the Youth Fellows Program
• Participate in CSC or attend CSC meeting
Displacement Avoidance Plan
New policies and more City services will ensure residents and business owners can stay in Richmond.
You can participate by…
• Attending a community workshop (Renter Access Ordinance, ADU Toolkit, Façade Improvement Pilot Program)• Attending a “Buy Local” event
Workforce Development and Economic Opportunity Plan
Residents will have access to training and support programs for emerging careers like clean energy.
You can participate by…
• Clicking the logo above to complete an Solar Workforce Program Interest FormIndicator Tracking Plan
The process and outcomes of the Richmond Rising initiative will be evaluated by the Center for Global Healthy Cities at UC Berkeley to measure our impact.
The City of Richmond will hire two limited term positions to support the implementation of the Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) Grant.
You can participate by…
• Applying for a Community Committee Member seat• Express concerns/ideas to TCC coordinator