As part of the Richmond Rising Initiative, the City of Richmond is developing a Place-Based Workforce Development Strategy and Implementation Plan. A place-based strategy is important to address the unique barriers and challenges that residents of a particular place face to having good jobs that pay well. Challenges can include transportation, language barriers, education and training, and more.

The report, which is now available on the Richmond Rising Website, includes data about the workforce in the Iron Triangle, Santa Fe, and Coronado neighborhoods. It also considers the employment market in the area. The research that led to these recommendations engaged community members through interviews with local organizations. Researchers also participated in the Richmond Rising Stakeholder Committee meetings.

Based on specific workforce challenges and opportunities in the neighborhoods, the report makes recommendations on how to better connect people with jobs. Recommendations from the report include creating career pathways, including pathways for young people; making workforce development resources available in a central location (physical and online); building partnerships in the community; and supporting business development in the city.

The document is available online in English and Spanish.

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